You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > On Unprocessed Sales Orders

On Unprocessed Sales Orders

Lists the unprocessed sales orders for this part number, including the customer name and account.

Field Description
Debtor Displays the customer account and name. Drill down function is enabled on this cell to the sales order
Invoice No Jiwa number for the order
History No Relates to the history number of the Sales Order
Record Date Date the Sales Order is due to be processed according to the Invoicing system setting - PostingDateType
Sales Order Initiated Date Date the sales order was created
Quantity Quantity ordered
Quantity Previous Delivery Quantity already delivered on a previous delivery
Quantity This Delivery Quantity to be delivered.
Quantity on BackOrder Quantity (if any) on back order
Warehouse The warehouse the Sales Order was raised in
BackOrder Mode Automatic or Manual
SO Expected Delivery Date The date the Sales Order is expected to be delivered

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